Oils & Spices


Innovation is the key!

In its aim to develop the concept of logging companies 2.0, ETICWOOD will launch its new “Oils and Spices for sustainable landscape” project in Gabon in the beginning of 2022.

This opportunity study, founded by the PPECF will focus on the development of non-timber forest products, essential oils and spices sectors in the GSEZ’s forest concessions landscapes.

Through this project, ETICWOOD and GSEZ will study the feasibility to propose new incomes for local population, in the frame of GSEZ’s social program and FSC certification process, with the potential use of sawmill wood waste for essential oils production.

To respect its vertical integration philosophy, ETICWOOD’s partners Bio.Es.Oil and Medaro will also be involved in the project to assess market opportunities and develop first relationship with future producers.